Donate and help

We are affiliated with the, a USA registered  non-profit organization with 501(c)3 status. Donations are fully deductible in the United States, based upon your tax status and associated tax rules.

This is also true should you donate via

In either case, please be sure to specifically designate “Widows of India/Om Shanthi“ as they also collect donations for many other worthy humanitarian projects.

Both are non-profit volunteer organizations.

Should you donate via the  PayPal button on this German website, you may, or may not be able to deduct your donations (please always check with your tax advisor).

We are always grateful for your generosity of heart with your kind donations!

Only in special cases. It is most cost-effective to purchase needed items in India, which also promotes and supports the local Indian economy.  In addition, customs duties and shipping and freight charges are very expensive.  Also, your American dollar goes much further in India.

If you have a special circumstance, please feel free to contact our USA Representative, Paulette Elberti @

→ Volunteer and Support Opporunities

Good news for USA donors:
Your donation is now tax-deductible in the USA! ARUNA PARTNERSHIP is our partner in the USA. See:
Checks may be sent to:

Aruna Partnership
Om Shanthi Project
c/o Kate Butler
432 West Durham Street
Philadelphia, PA 19119 USA

To make online donations:

Or go to: for online-donations.
“Journeys of Solutions” is also a non-profit organization,and provides a 501c3 “umbrella” for grass-roots organizations such as the “Widows of India”. Please do also mention “Om Shanthi Project”.

If you need further informations please contact my dear friend Paulette Elberti in the USA:

e-mail: or Anna in Germany:

Contact in U.S.A.:

Aruna Partnership
Om Shanthi Project
c/o Kate Butler
432 West Durham Street
Philadelphia, PA 19119 USA